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Water Quality

Developing risk assessment approaches for PFAS and watch list parameters under the recast Drinking Water Directive

The research project conducted assessments of the potential presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), 17β-estradiol, and nonylphenol for drinking water supply sources in Scotland, to identify high risk areas and enable prioritisation of monitoring and additional knowledge generation.

Partnership of researchers secure new UKRI MRC funding to tackle pharmaceutical contamination in Scotland’s waters

Researchers at the University of Highlands and Island’s Environmental Research Institute, NHS Highland and the University of Nottingham have secured £100,000 of funding to develop and evaluate a framework to incorporate environmental risk into prescribing practices.

Understanding problems associated with small-scale Private Sewage Systems (PSS) from regulators' perspectives

Private sewage systems (PSS) refer to systems that are not connected to the mains sewer. According to estimates by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) the majority of PSS in Scotland serve domestic properties. This work focuses on PSS serving up to nine properties, i.e., up to 50 population equivalent.

SARS-CoV-2 monitoring in Scottish wastewater: Variant Detection, FAIR data Outputs and Lessons Learned

Project summary

The virus that causes Covid-19 disease, SARS-CoV-2, is excreted by infected people into the sewage system and genetic material from the virus can be detected in wastewater samples. The prevalence of the virus has been monitored from June 2020 to the current time. This project built upon the programme of monitoring for SARS-CoV-2 in Scottish wastewater with the following research objectives:

IMPRESS: Approaches to IMProve flood and drought forecasting and warning in catchments influenced by REServoirS

IMPRESS investigated improved methods for forecasting of floods and droughts where these are influenced by reservoir operations. A strong capability to forecast sub-hourly river flows a week ahead for flood warning/guidance purposes has been developed by SEPA, using hydrological and hydraulic models of rivers in combination with weather model predictions of precipitation. However, the effect of reservoir operation is not well represented and this can impact adversely on the quality of flow forecasts at locations downstream of reservoirs.

Understanding the social factors influencing resilience to drought exposure in Scotland

Climate change poses an increasing risk of drought hazards in Scotland, with those depending on Private Water Supplies particularly exposed to water scarcity. Underlying social circumstances need to be acknowledged in drought resilience policy. This project was a CREW policy fellowship aimed to improve the understanding of the social factors influencing resilience to drought exposure in Scotland in order to inform Scottish water policy.