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Hydrological Extremes, Coasts and Risk Management

Hydrological Extremes, Coasts and Risk Management

CREW's Hydrological Extremes, Coasts and Risk Management theme focusses on providing high quality science knowledge regarding:

  • Nature based solutions
  • Resilience and adaption to climate change
  • Hydrological extremes: flooding and water scarcity

The projects undertaken within this theme support policy and regulation areas including:


Recent research published within this thematic area includes:

Key legacy projects published within this thematic area include:
  • 2022 - Effective future communication of flood risk in Scotland - this project explored how to improve flood risk communication in Scotland, highlighting the need for audience-specific approaches. It emphasised clear messaging, community involvement, and actionable guidance to enhance resilience and avoid maladaptive responses.
  • 2020 - Impacts of Flooding in North-east Scotland - in response to severe flooding in the winter of 2015/16, CREW commissioned research in Ballater and Garioch to understand long-term flood impacts and improve recovery support. The project team informed strategies for enhancing flood-risk management and strengthening community resilience.
  • 2019 - Quantifying rates of urban creep in Scotland - this project mapped urban creep in Edinburgh from 1990 to 2015, revealing an annual loss of 6.44ha of vegetated land. Findings provide Scotland’s first city-wide estimates, highlighting impacts on surface water flood risk.
Hydrological Extremes, Coasts and Risk Management
Topic Summary

Our Hydrological Extremes, Coasts and Risk Management theme aims to improve the understanding of climate-water interactions from source to sea.

Our research supports key policies, including Scotland’s Climate Change Plan and the Flood Risk Management Act