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The full list of open CREW funding opportunities can be found on the MASTS website (procurement providers):

There is no predictable schedule for funding announcements since requests for projects are submitted as need arises, so please check the website, follow us on Twitter (@CREW_waters), or request to join the register of expertise if you would like to be contacted when new projects are announced.

Useful Information on how CREW funding works

CREW delivers easily accessible research and expert opinion to support Scottish Government and its delivery partners (Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Drinking Water Quality Regulator, Scottish Water, Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Canals, Food Standards Scotland, Zero Waste Scotland) in the development and implementation of water policy in Scotland. CREW projects are always policy-relevant because the projects originate from our policy partners as need arises.

There are two types of funding available:

  1. Call-down projects: These typically require a quick turnaround time (<3 months) and respond to a very specific policy question.

  2. Capacity building projects: These have longer turnaround times (3-18 months) and are more strategic in nature, but still relate to a direct policy request.

Who is eligible to submit a tender?

CREW funding is open to submissions from all relevant Scottish Universities, SEFARI Institutes, National Research Centres (NERC Centre Surveys such as the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology or British Geological Survey, and the Met Office) and the James Hutton Institute (JHI). In line with the existing focus on building capacity within Scotland, there must be a Scottish HEI/James Hutton Institute partner for any research projects led by a non-Scottish HEI or research institute. CREW cannot directly fund consultancies, but consultants and SMEs can work in partnership with a HEI. In this circumstance, the consultant works as a sub-contractor to the HEI who retains full responsibility for the delivery of the project.

How are proposals evaluated?

Projects are evaluated by a team, composed of one person from CREW and two relevant end users. Projects are evaluated using the following criteria:

  • How well does the proposal fit the funding call?
  • Does it propose an appropriate methodology?
  • Are the resources, expertise and facilities appropriate for conducting the proposed work?
  • Are the proposed allocation of staff time and effort appropriate?
  • Does the proposal represent good value for money?
  • What is the ability/track record of the project team to deliver on time and to budget?

What are the benefits of working on a CREW project as a HEI researcher?

The demand-driven nature of CREW projects ensures that all projects are immediately relevant, with the potential for high-impact results in water policy. CREW projects also help create and strengthen connections between researchers at different institutions and between researchers and end users, enhancing your network in the Scottish water community.  

Would the research team be able to freely publish any results in journals? 

Generally, publications are encouraged, subject to the conditions of the contract. CREW and ultimately the relevant end user would have to have sight of the draft publication prior to its submission and be at liberty to comment upon it. The full details of any IP rights are provided within contracts when awards are made. Generally, the outputs are also published on the CREW website.