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Hydrological Extremes, Coasts and Risk Management

Launch of Hydro Nation Energy Innovation Programme

At World Water Day this year (22nd March 2023), the Hydro Nation Energy Innovation Programme (HNEIP) officially launched. Check out the World Water Day video here:

The HNEIP is a new four-year programme funded by the Scottish Government that will coordinate a wide range of academic expertise to support Scotland’s water industry to develop innovative new products and approaches to help drive down emissions.

Leading Ideas Hub!

In September 2022, CREW attended the Leading Ideas Hub at The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, a two-day event organised by SEFARI Gateway. The event brought together a range of professionals to share ideas and advice on best knowledge exchange practice. It was a great opportunity to meet other scientists, policy advisors and stakeholders to explore methods, best practice and innovation in knowledge exchange.

CREW launches Register of Expertise for the water sector

On World Water Day 2023, CREW opened its Register of Expertise for those working in the water sector. Funded by RESAS, Scottish Government, this digital platform will be a valuable tool to access knowledge on ‘who does what’, connecting opportunities for research and innovation with capability and building a network of expertise from academia, industry, regulation and policy.