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Research Funding cycle: 2022-27

Climate Crisis: informing Scotland’s actionable mitigation and adaptation response to water scarcity

Scotland’s climate is changing at a rate unprecedented in human history. We are becoming exposed to climate related risks, such as water scarcity, that were not considered significant in the past and have not been planned for. The first phase in addressing this shift in risk has been to develop early warning and emergency measures to mitigate the impacts of exceptional events such as the 2018 European drought and its impact in Scotland.

Mitigating climate change impacts on the water quality of Scottish standing waters

There is a policy focus at national and international levels on mitigating climate change impacts by reducing carbon emissions and increasing carbon sequestration. However, even if we can slow climate change down, we cannot prevent or reverse it. So, alternative approaches must be used to lessen its effects. These include adaptive interventions that increase the resilience, and reduce the vulnerability, of people and nature to weather extremes and other climate change impacts.

Developing risk assessment approaches for PFAS and watch list parameters under the recast Drinking Water Directive

The research project conducted assessments of the potential presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), 17β-estradiol, and nonylphenol for drinking water supply sources in Scotland, to identify high risk areas and enable prioritisation of monitoring and additional knowledge generation.

Water Quality and Health

CREW’s Water Quality and Health theme focusses on providing high quality science knowledge regarding:

• Water, wastewater and drainage
• Human and environmental health
• Epidemiology
• Contaminants in the environment

The projects undertaken within this theme support policy and regulation areas including:

• Drinking Water Directive
• Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive
• Water Framework Directive

• One Health Framework

Recent research published within this thematic area includes: