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World Water Day 2023 Recap

World Water Day 2023 Recap

World Water Day – Edinburgh 22 March 2023


On World Water Day Scotland joined the global water community on March 22nd World Water Day with a hybrid event on the theme of ‘Accelerating Change through Partnerships and Cooperation.

The CREW team attended the World Water Day Conference held in Edinburgh. This year’s conference was led by Hydro Nation International Centre, with support from CREW, The James Hutton Institute, the Hydro Nation Scholars, and the Scottish Government.





The speakers and attendees were challenged to ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’ recognising the role of water as a catalyst for that change across these five sub-themes:

  • Water and health
  • Water and sustainable engineering
  • Water and digitalisation
  • Water and international cooperation
  • Water and policy

The plenary sessions focussed on how emerging research is translated to ‘settled science’ that can inform policy. From wastewater testing for the presence of COVID-19 to scientific research of emerging contaminants such as PFAS, microplastics, and emerging concerns like anti-microbial resistance. View the Full Programme here and the Policy Brief here, containing the key messages from the day.

CREW held its second Annual CREW Lecture following the World Water Day Event, with a keynote from renowned international expert on participatory projects, Minni Jain, who challenged us all to:

‘Speak the language of water to regenerate, rejuvenate and return the water cycles on our planet to health again.’