News Archive
On request from Scottish Water, the Centre of Expertise for Water (CREW) funded a pilot project that aims to determine whether SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA can be detected in municipal wastewater from… read more
Managing flood risk in the context of the climate emergency (30-31st January 2020)This year the SNIFFER conference explored what the climate emergency means for Flood Risk Management with… read more
The purpose of the meeting was to share information on policy developments; to raise awareness of relevant, underpinning work with the Strategic Research Programme, and; to identify cross-… read more
Discussions focused in particular on “Resilience to Drought and Low Flow Conditions in Scotland”. The event welcomed key stakeholder representatives, government officials, academics and emerging… read more
Barriers to implementation and recommendations to enable and accelerate progress towards achieving SDG 6 were discussed in four thematic breakout sessions:Waste Water Treatment SystemsWater Resources… read more
But the statistics on what we are doing to this precious resource are just staggering;Every minute a new born child dies from a water-based infection;Over 30% of the world’s schools don’t have access… read more
Dynamic Coast is an open access web-based tool, offering easy-to-interpret reports and maps of the entire 21,000 km of Scottish coastline, allowing for swift identification of potential areas of… read more
The conference will celebrate achievements and aim to build on them to provide a vision and plan for the future, linking policy and on the ground experiences. The aim is to have the most inclusive… read more
The 2019 Flood Risk Management Conference will be held at Technology and Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow on Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 February 2019. Tickets will be… read more
Scottish Government funding for up to 7 PhD scholarships is available through the Hydro Nation Scholars Programme, part of the Scottish Government's Hydro Nation Strategy. The call for project… read more
World Overshoot Day represents the day of the year where we, as a planet, have used up more resources than Earth is able to renew in one year. The Overshoot date this year (1 August 2018) is the… read more
Coordinated by the EA, CIWEM and SEPA, this conference launched the EA’s ‘Working with Natural Processes Evidence Base’ to help authorities develop and implement flood and coastal erosion risk… read more