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Calls for proposals live - December 2022

Image of loch at sunset

CREW welcomes applications from Scottish Higher Education Institutes and Research Institutes on two capacity building projects:

CRW2022_03: Mitigating climate change impacts on the water quality of Scottish standing waters

CRW2022_04: Assessing the socio-economic impacts of soil degradation on Scotland's water environment

Call dates: Monday 5th December 2022 - noon Friday 27th January 2023.

Summary details are provided below.

Please follow the links to the project pages for full details.



CRW2022_03: Mitigating climate change impacts on the water quality of Scottish standing waters

Type of project: Capacity building 

Overview: To examine whether existing management practices are fit for purpose and sufficiently coordinated under a changing climate, or whether changes in policy, and its implementation, may be required to prioritise and steer adaptive responses for ensuring the successful mitigation of current and future climate change impacts.

Budget: up to a maximum of £125,000. 

Call dates: Monday 5th December 2022 - noon Friday 27th January 2023.

Please visit the project page for full details.



CRW2022_04: Assessing the socio-economic impacts of soil degradation on Scotland's water environment

Type of project: Capacity building

Overview: To develop and apply a method to assess the socio-economic-environmental impacts of soil degradation on Scotland’s land-based businesses and wider economy and society (e.g., impacts on water quality, flooding, climate, and biodiversity).

Budget: up to a maximum of £85,000. 

Call dates: Monday 5th December 2022 - noon Friday 27th January 2023.

Please visit the project page for full details.


Further calls for proposals will follow in December 2022/January 2023!