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5th International Workshop on High Temporal Resolution Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis

5th International Workshop on High Temporal Resolution Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis

5th International Workshop on High Temporal Resolution Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis

The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, Scotland 17th-19th of June 2024

This meeting follows a series of scientific workshops previously held in Uppsala (2021), Clonakilty (2018), Sandjberg (2016), and Magdeburg (2014). The 5th in the series will explore recent technological and scientific advances in water quality measurements allowing for high-resolution determination of chemicals in water with a range of instruments deployed in situ (optical sensors, passive samplers, wet-chemistry analysers, lab-ona-chip) and remote sensing. These new technologies have brought new insights into mechanistic understanding of catchment and stream processes and are progressively utilised to evaluate the effectiveness of water management efforts.

Confirmed Programme: One-day field trip to the Easter Beltie Restoration Site & Glensaugh UK Environmental Change Network monitoring site Conference dinner at the Palm Court Hotel (18th of June) Key note talks from Professor Phil Jordan (University of Ulster) & Professor Richard McDowell (Lincoln University)