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Research Funding cycle: 2016-21

Items of work carried out under the 2016-21 funding cycle

Review of existing knowledge – emerging contaminants; Focus on nanomaterials and microplastics in the aquatic environment

Submitted by emily.hastings on Tue, 16/08/2016 - 16:39

This comprehensive review covers the sources, impacts, risks and monitoring of water related ‘known-unknowns’, including potential emerging contaminants of concern within Scottish watercourses; data availability; impact assessment on ground and surface water including WFD compliance (and coastal environments-Bathing Water Directive); and current and future risks, monitoring and assessment methodologies.

Emerging Contaminants of Concern in Waters

Emerging technologies can deliver great benefits, but may also carry risks to the environment and/or human health. Furthermore, existing contaminants in the environment may increase in importance with our improved understanding of their behaviour and interaction with relevant organisms in a changing environment. Whilst nanomaterials are an example of the former, microplastic particles represent the latter. The present report is the result of a review of the existing knowledge of emerging contaminants relevant to Scotland, with a focus on nanomaterials and microplastics.

Scotland's Water Sector: An overview

Submitted by emily.hastings on Tue, 16/08/2016 - 16:25

The purpose of this research is to produce a map that demonstrates the scope and scale of Scotland’s water sector and demonstrates how the different parts of the sector link together. It demonstrates how the decision making processes that influence, manage and control Scotland’s water resources are distributed throughout the sector. This research supports the Scottish Government’s Hydro Nation Strategy.

Scottish Water Sector Overview Map

Water has always been central to Scotland’s prosperity and we have a reputation for a high quality water environment, however energy use in the water industry is a primary source of CO2 emissions (CO2e) and as we face stricter water quality standards due to the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), the carbon footprint is likely to increase.

Drinking water quality and radon

The aim of this project is to understand the implications for Scotland of adopting a proposal for a Council Directive setting out requirements for the protection of public health from radioactive substances in water intended for human consumption. Research results will inform the prioritisation of any potential sampling programme designed to establish risk and sampling requirements under the proposed Directive.

Effect of soil structure and field drainage on water quality and flood risks

Good soil structure and functioning field drainage systems are key to achieving good water quality and minimising flood risk.  They are also vital for agricultural productivity and play a key role in the greenhouse gas balance of many soil systems. This project, led by the  University of Aberdeen in collaboration with the James Hutton Institute,  steered by SEPA, SNH and Scottish Water will assess the extent of drainage problems in agricultural fields, the potential underlying causes including soil structural degradation, and the potential implications to flood risk and water quality.

Benefits of catchment management for improving drinking water quality

The potential benefits of catchment management for improving drinking water quality are widely recognised and evidence is beginning to show that this is a cost-effective way to reduce the costs of treatment. There are also benefits beyond the protection and improvement of drinking water quality including benefits for biodiversity, climate change and flood management as well as wider environmental parameters such as those relating to good ecological status required under the Water Framework Directive.

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