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Drinking water quality and radon

The aim of this project is to understand the implications for Scotland of adopting a proposal for a Council Directive setting out requirements for the protection of public health from radioactive substances in water intended for human consumption. Research results will inform the prioritisation of any potential sampling programme designed to establish risk and sampling requirements under the proposed Directive.

Project Objective
Objective Details
  • Collate and review any data from Scottish Water and other sources (e.g. SEPA; BGS) on presence of radon in water supplies.
  • Review literature to identify additional sources of information on radon in water supplies, and understandings of how geological factors affect radon concentrations in water.
  • Create a map of drinking water risk areas in Scotland (as far as possible using existing mapping data to identify areas where concentrations in groundwater are likely to be high based on local geology etc.); plot locations of public and private groundwater supplies on the risk map; report the numbers of supplies that fall in different risk areas. DWQR holds records of locations of private supplies that fall within the scope of the Directive and will make these data available.
Emily Hastings