Dynamic Coast is an open access web-based tool, offering easy-to-interpret reports and maps of the entire 21,000 km of Scottish coastline, allowing for swift identification of potential areas of erosions and vulnerable assets such as roads, rails, or houses concerned. Of the 21,000 km of the Scottish coastline categorised, 3,800 km of potentially erodible ‘soft’ coast have been identified with 23% having experienced significant change. Past rates have been projected to 2050 to identify likely areas of erosion and the assets (roads, rail, housing etc.) that may be vulnerable.
The Coastal Change Assessment aims to create a shared evidence base to support more sustainable coastal and terrestrial planning decisions in the light of a changing climate. The public web-based maps, reports and videos provide easy to interpret maps of the past and anticipated changes on all of Scotland’s erodible shorelines. A second phase of work, NCCA 2 is currently underway to enhance the NCCA evidence base on future erosion risks. This project is led by Scottish Natural Heritage in collaboration with the University of Glasgow's School of Geographical & Earth Sciences. To find out more about Dynamic Coast click here, and watch this short video. For more information on the award, click here.