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Launch of the CREW IUCN River Restoration and Biodiversity report, 29th September

This report has been commissioned through CREW and written by staff from The James Hutton Institute. It represents a collaboration between a range of organisations in the UK and Ireland: Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Environment Agency (England), Northern Ireland Environment Agency, Rivers Agency (Northern Ireland), Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, Loughs Agency (NI), Office of Public Works (Republic of Ireland), Inland Fisheries Ireland, and the River Restoration Centre.

The report describes the importance of rivers in the UK and Ireland for nature conservation, summarises the damage that river habitats have sustained over many decades, and discusses ways in which repairing damage and restoring river habitats can bring benefits both to wildlife and to human society. We hope it will not only raise awareness of the importance of river restoration but also help to obtain funding for practical restoration work around the UK and Ireland.

The report will be launched by Susan Davies, Director of Conservation at the Scottish Wildlife Trust with Stuart Brooks, Chair of the IUCN National Committee UK. It will provide an opportunity for discussion on future priorities for river restoration, how to overcome barriers to restoration work, and opportunities for funding new projects.