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Investigate the potential for Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) retrofitting in industrial estates

Industrial estates have long been recognised as significant sources of pollution. Most were built prior to Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) being a requirement for new developments, and many have surface water drainage systems conveying the surface water directly to the nearest watercourse. Despite decades of work towards solutions, there remain long-term diffuse pollution problems identified by SEPA ecological monitoring at many sites downstream of industrial estates.

End-of-pipe solutions have been successful at reducing pollution in the short term, but do not offer the best protection for the receiving waters over longer timescales. The ideal long-term solution for existing industrial estates is the retrofit of SuDS, implementing a treatment train with source control, conveyance, and end-of-pipe ponds/wetlands. This type of drainage infrastructure, combined with education on what can/cannot be discharged and a long-term maintenance plan, is required.

Project Objectives
Objective Details
  • Select a case study site to investigate the potential for retrofit of source control and conveyance SuDS for individual industrial premises on a large industrial estate. Use the case study to address the following questions:
    1. What types of SUDS would be suitable despite the constraints often present for retrofit?
    2. Is there a willingness to install?
    3. What are the barriers to installation (financial, land ownership, etc.)?
    4. What arrangements could be made for maintenance?
  • Hold a workshop with all relevant parties to investigate how robust maintenance plans could be put in place for the long-term success of the potential treatment solutions.
Emily Hastings
Project Codes